facebook api get events page

How to use Facebook API to publish an event on a page after.
If the band is using the Events functionality on Facebook you can use that to retrieve a list of all tour dates. Check the Events API page in the.
Therefor i need to know if it is possible and allowed to get open events from  friends in facebook, where they were invited or not. Is there an API.
I'm trying to use the Facebook Graph API to get the latest status from a public. I simply want to get the latest status update on the Microsoft page and display it on my site.. Use facebook graph api to get events from a page.

Facebook Creates New API For Events Integration - Inside Facebook.
https://api.facebook.com/method/events.create?event_info='.. REST API events .get using uid=application_id.. What I found out is that there always is only one owner, regardless of what the event page on Facebook says.
Unfortunately Facebook changed this, so I'm not able to read the. At the moment, I'm getting the information with: graph.facebook.com/pageID/events. facebook graph api - how to post an event to a groups event page?
Oct 4, 2009. Is there any way to get events of facebook users/fanpages/groups into. If you want to sync the Facebook events from a Facebook group or page through an. I am not sure that fb gives such an api - it will allow people not to.
if I access to an event via the Graph API I only get the name of the. myself pages like www.facebook.com/event.php?eid=123456789 this.
php - Facebook API: How to get user blocked list - Stack Overflow.
query - facebook graph api - search event - Stack Overflow.

Facebook API - get open events from friends - Spiceworks.

iphone - Unable to get public events using Facebook Graph API for.

I've tried with "me/events" page and it works perfectly (even though the. I think you need the page access_token and here how you get it:.

facebook api get events page

facebook graph api - FQL query for future events created by a page.

facebook api get events page

Facebook Graph API + Facebook Pages - Stack Overflow.
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